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Self-Learning Guide to How & Where of Publications on PhD Thesis

Publication from PhDthesis is one of the most crucial academic objectives to be complied by the research scholar undertaking PhD. Publication following PhDthesis demonstrates the original and novel findings undertaken by the researcher and links the research gaps identified by previous studies and scholars on this field.

One of the compelling necessity to publish related toPhDthesis is established as per the rules and circulars of UGC. There are University Grants Commission prescribed rules (UGC) recommending publications related to PhDthesis requiring the PhD candidate to presentat least one seminar paper in any of the UGC sponsored conference or seminar or symposium either at the national or state level. Additionally, thePhD candidate is also required to publish at least one research paper inone of theUGC prescribed journals given in UGC prescribed a list of UGC CARE (Consortium of Academic Research and Ethics) are prescribed list of journals which is available on the website of UGC. There is also an eligibility requirement for the rank of Assistant Professor, to publish at least one paper with ISSN or ISBN no, with or without being related to PhDthesis. There are necessary columns provided in the recruitment form of Assistant Professor to fill the same on this.

In addition to this, in career development and promotion for existing or serving Assistant Professor, publications with ISSN No and ISBN No. can increase their API score and also be included for consideration in their annual appraisal and promotions.

Further,  in order to add more authentication and accreditation, it is recommended to publish research papersonly with ISSN and ISBN No with its prescribed format and template.

Publications related to PhDthesis can be done in several, varied ways and forms in the present context. The thesiscan be published in part or excerpts of the thesis can be published in journals. The entire thesis can be published as a book subject to necessary modifications.


Publications in soft copy –

There are several onlinejournals in the form of blogs and onlinejournals with ISSN or ISBN No.

Blog– Individual Blog –Blogs can be independently created by the students themselves using the names of their own choice by registering at the various blogging online platforms.
Institutional Blog –  Besides, there are leading universities and institutions as one of the world’s most prestigious university as Oxford provides for onlinepublication via Blogoxford human rights hub, global perspectives on human rights available at
Onlinejournals with ISSN No.&online magazine or weekly magazines with RNI No. -There are several universities mostly the deemed and the private as well as global universities are releasing onlinejournals. Several such journals issue their ISSN No. The guidelines for publicationonlineare generally provided on their websites. The research papers are to be mailed to the concerned email or uploaded on the site as prescribed.

Publication in hard copy or print may be undertaken in these forms as listed below. Publication of major or entire thesis as a book in the following ways:

Monograph– This form of publication demonstrates the specialization on a given topic in its depth with more meaningful analysis.  This is a written piece on highly advanced research paper on a given topic with its varied facets. This is very conducive for research. Some of the major research issues and research questions of the thesis can be taken for detailed writing and publication.
Book as self-authored– In this publication, the entire thesis can be published with slight modifications. The major modification being as per the templates prescribed by the publisher or the changes in the thesis with respect to research methodology chapter, the introductory chapter  scheme, among others. For books, the ISBN No may be applied for from eth concerned agency. There are a procedural format and template to be filled in for the same and submitted. Such books if published through a given publisher, can secure monetary gain in the form of royalty.
Book as co-authored – In this publication, the entire thesis can be published as select chapters in the book with slight modifications. However, there may be one more author(s) who may be the equal or lesser contributor in such publications who can be the co author. For books, the ISBN No may be applied for from eth concerned agency with a procedural format and template to be filled in for the same and submitted. Such books if published through a given publisher, can secure monetary gain in the form of royalty.
Edited book – In this publication, some of the chapters or major excerpts of this can be published as one or more chapters in a book. In such a book, the book is collections of the contribution of papers from the other contributors or authors or PhD candidate. Generally, different chapters of the book are written by different authors. This is compiled together by an editor who publishes ten same as an editor. Such books if published through a given publisher, can secure monetary gain in the form of royalty.
Publishing thesis in select form- Bookreviews–

Bookreviews can be undertaken from the literaturereview undertaken by the candidate while doing their research for thesis writing as a part of PhD. Any bookreview from the already published literature is with a new perspective, and relevant findings also make for a good publication. Bookreviews are a part of the law journals as well.

Guidelines for publications related to thesis in Academic Journals–

One of the most common forms of publication related to PhDthesis is to get the research paper to be published in a peer review law journal either monthly, quarterly or annually. This can be subject to the guideline prescribed, and the instructions provide to the author. In such journals, there are usually ISSN no. Mentioned and the month, the volume of publication also specified. Such journals call for paper for publication periodically. The PhD candidate may refer to such call for papers and submit their paper either online or through the post as prescribed. In such journals, there are strict author guideline as to word limit, thecitation style, theparagraphing, the themes or subject of the issue the journals and a timeline within which the paper has to be sent.

Publications with or without monetary interest –

The candidates who wish to derive monetary gain out of such publication may consider publishing through a book agency, such publications requiring getting in touch with the concerned publishers, the candidate has to submit a bookproposal to the publisher. Each publication house has a prescribed format and author guidelines that they are re required to follow. The bookproposal undergoes a review from the publishers’ side and the publisher sends their observation if they wish to take it for publication, provided they select the bookproposal. Then the author or the candidate and the book publisher enter into an agreement and  the royalty is that the charges paid to the author on publication and sale of book, the net ratio or amount is agreed upon under the terms of agreement. Whereas, Publication without monetary interest could be in law journals, blogs.

Compliance with ethics in publications related to thesis –

Non plagiarism –

The candidate is required to ensure that there is no plagiarism and no duplicity in the publication.

Due acknowledgments & credit – The sources referred must be well identified and listed under references and footnotes.

Footnotes &references style guide – The rules of references and foot noting must be complied as per a single uniform style guide of citation. Usually in Indian legaldissertation the blue book 19th edition is largely followed or the Indian standard citation format is followed. At the outset, thus publication related to PhD is of utmost significance in numerous of the forms as above mentioned forthe reason stated therein. Publishing leads to not only career development but also advancement in academia.

-Dr. Sonali Kusum
