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Benefits of Experiential and Problem Solving Based Pedagogy in Legal Teaching

Unlike most other professional courses, the legal training imparted in colleges is mostly restricted to classroom teaching only. Almost all of the subjects one is introduced to in one’s law school tenure, majority of the subjects are taught by the Law Faculties with the help of the conventional textbook reading and learning style, which is alittle discouraging and makes the highly practical profession of law look extremely mundane. Students of law would feel more connected to the subjects if they could explore the real-life situations where they could see for themselves the application of law practice. However, there are a few subjects such as Taxation Laws, Criminal Law, Corporate Law, Civil Procedures, etc., which use the practical ‘problem-solving’ methodology to a great extent. If a law student is asked to explain the principle of ‘Ejusdem Generis’ in the Interpretation of Statues class by applying the previously referred principle and citing legal examples, such pedagogy would be very engaging compared to the ‘Socratic style of teaching’.

Importance of practical problem solving pedagogy in Law:

A case precedent holds extreme significance in the field of law. Putting a student in the same factual matrix and making him seek a solution to a legal problem is a great way to train the student’s brain. It is a better way of shapingone’slegal skills and making one’s mind legally analytical.

Moreover, this teaching methodology facilitates fresh lawyers to face their clients with efficiency. Basically, it prepares them to deal with the clients more efficiently. The rote learning method is a test of one’s memory and not one’s knowledge, and it should slowly be eradicated as a mode of examination. This practice can excruciatingly detrimental to the students’ future as they hardly seem to remember the practicalities of that subject after exam are over. On the other hand, problem-solving methods require students to engage in and grapple with the nuances and dilemma or the situation of a client’s problem. They possess an open mind to also consider the solutions outside of the law.

A practical learning experience gives one a better understanding of the law and one Legal education should focus on the client and how to use the law, theory, and skills to help a client solve their problems. Furthermore, law students often work alone in law school in a competitive and sometimes isolating environment, yet, in practice, collaborative teamwork is essential. One can learn teamwork from problem solving teaching style as one can comprehend that the solutions shared by one and each in the classroom hold good value. This exercise also helps in developing skills of collaboration and teamwork.

“The Langdellian case method  focuses on appellate cases and introduces students to client’s problems at the end— instead of the beginning—of the case, the problem solving method starts at the beginning of a case—before a student knows all the facts, learns the client’s goals, narrows the issues, clarifies the identity of the client, and considers the options. The case method only gives examples of how others, i.e., a judge, resolved the client’s problem; instead of focusing on judge-centered thinking, problem solving focuses on exposing students to lawyers‘ thinking processes and their roles. A problem-solving approach also involves collaborative work and creative thinking.”


Problem solving methodology helps in resolving the conflict between just understanding the lawas it is taught academically and using law as a tool to solve modern-day problems. Solving problems requires students to engage in higher levels of thinking. It provides a holistic and cohesive framework that allows the people in legal field to use their knowledge and apply what was learned in one context or another. We at World Of Legal Researchhelp you with your problem solving assignments and ensure that you score flying colors in your academic pursuits.For all your legal researchpaper and legal analytical writing work related problems, contact WORL today.

-Anmol Goswami
