The field of corporate law in India, otherwise referred to as “transactional law”, involves working in a substantially contrasting environment as that of a litigating advocate. The nature of corporate law dealings does not require the corporate lawyers to go to court. Typically, the tasks of corporate lawyers involve drafting and reviewing documents that prevent the initiation of litigation in the first place. Apart from just law firms, corporate lawyers are also often in-house counsel for companies or even work at regulatory bodies (for example, SEBI, RBI, IRDA, etc.).
At WOLR, our team consists of individuals who have first-hand experience of the fast-paced environment that corporate lawyers are nested in. We assist you in researching the latest position of law taken by various courts, depending on the purpose of your research – High Courts of individual states to show the trend adopted by the Judiciary of the State in question or, when required decisions of the Supreme Court on the subject-matter at hand. Apart from just assisting with legal research, we also aid you in drafting as well as reviewing the various legal documents (for example: contracts, proposals, notices, etc.) that are needed by you on a day-to-day basis.