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Developmental Editing in Law Books, Legal Articles, Law Research Proposals and Law Dissertations/Thesis

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  • Developmental Editing in Law Books, Legal Articles, Law Research Proposals and Law Dissertations/Thesis

Developmental editing is a form of specialisation that focusses on the drafting, editing and revision of a given piece; the focus is on the method of writing and not just the topic or subject and, hence, there is a division of work between a researcher and a developmental editor. The role of developmental editors is on the rise in the world; especially in Asian Countries and European Countries, particularly in the field of law.

Developmental editing is also a managerial role, especially when it comes to legal writing and analysis in India. Your current or old thesis can turn out to be your next publication. You might feel that it is lacking something but o not have time or do not know from where to start. Additionally, The expectations of the peer-reviewers, especially when it comes to legal publication (book publication), are also quite challenging to manage.

You just need a developmental editor because of a developmental editor’s specialisation with writing to make his/herwork more relevant to the readers. The developmental editor can help you in giving flow, can customise it according to a particular publication agency and update it with the latest judgements, trends, comparative analysis and legislative update.

What do developmental editors do?

The role of developmental editors when it comes to legal publications is not laid down in an exhaustive list. A developmental editor can help a law school in narrowing down a theme along with a set of topics in consonance with that theme – this gives law schools an aim to focus on, with regards to their publications.

For example, a University might choose to work on a broad topic like Road Safety Measures and Traffic Laws in India; a developmental editor can help break it down to various topics like The Effectiveness of CCTVs on Roads and Highways to Reduce Traffic Violation. To be able to recommend these themes and topics, a developmental editor has to be thoroughly aware of the current developments in the field of law. He/she can then synthesis the knowledge of the market with his/her private writing experience and determine which

The topics of legal research and analysis would hold relevance.

Apart from just recommending broad themes and topics, a developmental editor also can play a role (a more important one, at that) in helping draft the ideas that researchers at law school might come up with. Alaw faculty might be thoroughly experienced with specific laws. He/she may even have a few legal publications to his/her credit. However, it is essential for whatever he/she next writes to be relevant to his/her readers. Only then will he/she be remembered. For example, a developmental editor can help make a tedious and challenging paper on tax law published by a law faculty more exciting and engaging with its readers.

Developmental editors for a legal publication and legal research and writing in India are, in short, master or doctoral students from law schools across the country who have, over the years, practiced and crafted their writing skills. The role of a developmental editor stems from the need for faculties to get through with peer reviews to get published in law journals. If a faculty/professor has an idea, a developmental editor can make his/her life easier by giving it a structure and updating it with relevant case laws.

With a team of experienced developmental editors as well as qualified legal researchers, WOLR helps you free up a chunk of your time, reduce your burden and accelerate the progress of your career goals. The size of projects that a developmental editor can undertake depends on the needs of the institution/person in question. It could range from a few papers to an entire book publication; or even a set of books, across a longer timeline.

We hold the capacity to aid you with all stages of legal publication – from beginning to narrowing down and choosing a topic. From drafting, revising, editing, and even finally publishing – since our team consists of legal researchers from various reputed law schools, drafters with considerable experience in legal writing and analysis as well as data analysts who specialize in co-coordinating with various departments on universities. A project that could otherwise take you months can be finished within weeks with our help.

Most importantly, World Of Legal Research works strictly confidentially. Hence, your ideas are in safe hands.
